Senior Information and Events

Class of 2025


Each year we aim to celebrate our 8th Grade students by honoring the culmination of their middle school lives here at M.S. 217Q. We understand the importance of such milestones, but we do not forget that it took three years to reach them.

In the month of May, we start off with our Senior Trip to an amusement park. This is followed by a Senior BBQ, and our Commencement Ceremony, in June. Seeing our students flourish as scholars aids in our excitement to celebrate the next step in their academic lives. Senior events are one small token to celebrate the students for all of their hard work and dedication to their future!

Arista Induction Ceremony/Graduation Awards - TBA
Prom- TBA
Living Environment- TBA
U. S. History Regents- TBA
Geometry Regents- TBA
Graduation – TBA
Senior BBQ – TBA