Advisory Routines for All Grades
Vocabulary of feelings
Mood meter check-in and encouraging students to use words outside of good, bad, happy, and sad.
Reflection questions after mood meter check-in:
Why do you think you are feeling this way?
Do you want to stay feeling this way?
What will you do to stay feeling this way or move to another quadrant or emotion?
Revisit class charter as norms for the learning community.
Process/ Product journaling prompts: These are geared to help students reflect on the process of learning and creating something new.
Brain Power Resources:
Relationship Building
SeeBrain Power curriculum to foster positive relationships through team building activities.
Creative Expression
See ideas for creative expressionhere.
The 4 C's of Education
Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration
6th Grade Advisory Expectations & Letter to families about Advisory
Letter to Families about Advisory 6th grade 2024-25English.pdf
Letter to Families about Advisory 6th grade 2024-25 Spanish.pdf
Letter to Families about Advisory 6th grade 2024-25 Bangla.pdf
Letter to Families about Advisory 6th grade 2024-25 Arabic.pdf
We can understand the purpose of community circles (sharing space, listening effectively, developing community relationships).
We can develop strategies to navigate conflict and problem solve effectively.
We can facilitate discussions by using opening and closing rituals.
We can practice active listening.
We can accurately identify our emotions.
We can identify how our emotions impact our behavior.
We can use different strategies to sustain our emotions or change how we are feeling.
We can recognize the emotions of others and adapt our behavior in response to others’ emotions.
7th Grade Advisory Expectations
We can recognize social isolation and create inclusive communities.
We can recognize how privilege impacts communities.
We can recognize bias of protected classes (race, color, creed, gender,gender identity/expression, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation) in our public institutions.
We can recognize our own biases and reflect on how these impact our behavior.
We can develop empathy and understanding for diverse populations.
We can practice active listening.
We can accurately identify our emotions.
We can identify how our emotions impact our behavior.
We can use different strategies to sustain our emotions or change how we are feeling.
We can recognize the emotions of others and adapt our behavior in response to others’ emotions.
8th Grade Advisory Expectations
We can identify our needs and networks of people who can help us navigate challenges.
We can recognize and cultivate healthy relationships with our peers and the adults in our lives.
We can practice active listening.
We can accurately identify our emotions.
We can identify how our emotions impact our behavior.
We can use different strategies to sustain our emotions or change how we are feeling.
We can recognize the emotions of others and adapt our behavior in response to others’ emotions.